Haryana Pincodes

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Haryana Pincodes List

Haryana Pincode Explorer, your ultimate gateway to discovering the pincodes across Haryana’s diverse regions. Delve into the Pincodes Details of Haryana by handpicking a district from the list below. With 19 districts in Haryana, simply select the district of your choice to uncover precise Pincode information.

Haryana Pincodes

Here is a list of Haryana Pincodes

19Yamuna NagarHaryana

About Haryana

Haryana, formed in 1966 from East Punjab, thrives as India’s 21st-largest state, spanning 44,212 sq mi. Chandigarh serves as its capital alongside Punjab, while Faridabad claims the populace. Gurgaon shines as a financial and tech nucleus. With 32 SEZs boosting its economy, Haryana stands as the 13th largest in India, boasting a GSDP of ₹7.65 trillion and ranking 11th in human development. Rich in heritage and biodiversity, it’s a tourism hotspot, framed by Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and the Yamuna River, while enveloping Delhi on three sides, vitalizing the National Capital Region’s growth and strategy.


Rakhigarhi and Bhirrana, nestled in Haryana, harbor remnants of the Indus Valley Civilization, boasting paved roads, intricate drainage, rainwater storage, terracotta and metal craftsmanship. Haryana’s historical significance spans the Vedic era, hosting the Kuru Kingdom and the speculated location of Manu’s Brahmavarta. The region encompassing Dhosi Hill, Rewari, and Mahendragarh was a hub for revered Rishis who contributed significantly to Hindu scriptures like Vedas and Puranas. Manusmriti denotes Manu as the ruler of Brahmavarta, a state flourishing 10,000 years ago amid the ancient Sarasvati and Drishadwati rivers, shaping the essence of present-day Hindu beliefs and scriptures.


As per the 2011 census, Haryana, with a population of 25,351,462, is primarily Hindu (87.46%), while Muslims (7.03%) are concentrated mainly in Nuh district. Sikhs (4.91%) form the significant minority, residing largely in districts adjacent to Punjab like Sirsa, Jind, Fatehabad, Kaithal, Kurukshetra, Ambala, and Panchkula. The state’s official language is Hindi, but various regional languages or dialects exist. Haryanvi dominates the central and eastern areas, while Hindi and Punjabi prevail in the northeast, Bagri in the west, Deshwali in the east, and Ahirwati, Mewati, and Braj Bhasha in the south.


Haryana, nestled in northern India, spans between latitudes 27°39′ to 30°35′ N and longitudes 74°28′ to 77°36′ E, covering 4.42 m ha, just 1.4% of India’s expanse. Elevations range from 700 to 3600 ft (200m to 1200m) above sea level, with a mere 4% forested area, contrasting sharply with the national average of 21.85%. Karoh Peak, soaring at 1,467 meters (4,813 ft), claims the title of Haryana’s highest point in the Sivalik Hills near Morni Hills, Panchkula district. The region predominantly rests on the fertile Ghaggar Plain, a subset of the vast Indo-Gangetic Plain. Sharing borders with Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, and Chandigarh, Haryana boasts connections with four states and two union territories.


Haryana, ranked 14th with a 12.96% CAGR between 2012-17, projected a 2017-18 GSDP of US$95 billion. Its economy diversified into services (52%), industries (30%), and agriculture (18%). Services encompass real estate, financial/professional services (45%), trade/hospitality (26%), government employment (15%), and transport/logistics (14%). Notably, Gurgaon led in IT growth, infrastructure, and startup ecosystem nationally. Industries comprised manufacturing (69%), construction (28%), utilities (2%), and mining (1%), boasting significant contributions to car (67%), motorcycle (60%), tractor (50%), and refrigerator (50%) production in India. Haryana’s 7 operational SEZs and 23 approved ones, strategically positioned along key industrial corridors, notably the Delhi–Mumbai Industrial Corridor, fostered growth in both service and industrial sectors.


Why is haryana famous ?

Haryana is renowned for its vibrant culture, agricultural prowess, historic sites like Kurukshetra, and its significant contribution to India's sports, particularly wrestling.

Which is the main language of haryana?

Haryanvi, a dialect of Hindi, serves as the primary language in Haryana, India, reflecting the region's cultural and linguistic heritage with its own distinct nuances and vocabulary.

Which is the largest city in haryana ?

The largest city in Haryana is Faridabad, renowned for its industrial presence and rapid urban development, serving as a significant economic and commercial hub in the state.

Which god is famous in haryana ?

Lord Krishna, particularly revered as "Kishan Kanhaiya," holds significant fame in Haryana for his role in Hindu mythology and cultural heritage, with widespread worship and festivals.

Which is the richest city in haryana ?

Gurugram is the wealthiest city in Haryana, renowned for its corporate presence, high-end real estate, and thriving financial sector, reflecting significant economic prosperity and development.