Kargil Pincodes

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Kargil Pincodes​

Kargil pincodes categorize the diverse landscapes of this region in Ladakh, India. Ranging from 194103 to 194106, these pincodes delineate areas spanning from the vibrant townships to the serene villages. Each pincode symbolizes a specific geographic area, encompassing Kargil’s cultural richness and geographical expanse. The pincodes facilitate efficient mail delivery and geographical classification, crucial in navigating the varied terrain of this scenic and historically significant district.
Kargil Pincodes

Here is a list of Kargil Pincodes

1Akchamal194103KargilJammu And kashmir
2Baroo194105KargilJammu And kashmir
3Barsoo194301KargilJammu And kashmir
4Batalik194103KargilJammu And kashmir
5Bhimbat194102KargilJammu And kashmir
6Bodhkharboo194109KargilJammu And kashmir
7Chanigund194103KargilJammu And kashmir
8Chiktan194109KargilJammu And kashmir
9Chokiyal194102KargilJammu And kashmir
10Choskor194105KargilJammu And kashmir
11Drass194102KargilJammu And kashmir
12Garkon194103KargilJammu And kashmir
13Hardas194103KargilJammu And kashmir
14Karamba194109KargilJammu And kashmir
15Kargil194103KargilJammu And kashmir
16Karkitchoo194103KargilJammu And kashmir
17Karsha194302KargilJammu And kashmir
18Khasgam Thuina194301KargilJammu And kashmir
19Lankarchey194301KargilJammu And kashmir
20Lochum194109KargilJammu And kashmir
21Matayan194102KargilJammu And kashmir
22Minji194105KargilJammu And kashmir
23Mulbek194109KargilJammu And kashmir
24Mushkoo194102KargilJammu And kashmir
25Namsuru194301KargilJammu And kashmir
26Omba194301KargilJammu And kashmir
27Padum194302KargilJammu And kashmir
28Pandrass194102KargilJammu And kashmir
29Panikhar194301KargilJammu And kashmir
30Parkachik194301KargilJammu And kashmir
31Pashkum194103KargilJammu And kashmir
32Purthikchey194301KargilJammu And kashmir
33Safi194109KargilJammu And kashmir
34Saliskot194105KargilJammu And kashmir
35Samray194109KargilJammu And kashmir
36Sangra194301KargilJammu And kashmir
37Sankoo194301KargilJammu And kashmir
38Shaimshakharboo194103KargilJammu And kashmir
39Shakar194109KargilJammu And kashmir
40Shargol194109KargilJammu And kashmir
41Silmoh194103KargilJammu And kashmir
42Tache194109KargilJammu And kashmir
43Tambis194105KargilJammu And kashmir
44Thasgam194103KargilJammu And kashmir
45Tikat194301KargilJammu And kashmir
46Trespon194105KargilJammu And kashmir
47Tumail194103KargilJammu And kashmir
48Tumail Colony194103KargilJammu And kashmir
49Wakha194109KargilJammu And kashmir
50Yuljuk194301KargilJammu And kashmir
51Yurbaltik194103KargilJammu And kashmir
52Zangla194302KargilJammu And kashmir

About Kargil District

Kargil, alternatively known as Kargyil, stands as a pivotal city within Indian-administered Ladakh, situated in the Kashmir region. Serving as the shared capital of Ladakh, a union territory under Indian administration, it also holds the distinction of being the administrative center of the Kargil district. Notably, it ranks as the second-largest urban settlement in Ladakh, trailing only behind Leh. Positioned approximately 204 kilometers east of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir and 234 kilometers west of Leh, Kargil rests alongside the Suru River, close to its merging point with the Wakha Rong river, serving as a primary route to Leh.


The First Kashmir War (1947–48) established a ceasefire line, dividing Ladakh into Indian and Pakistani territories. India upgraded Kargil and Leh to districts within Ladakh, mirroring Jammu and Kashmir divisions. Pakistan renamed its portion Baltistan, creating further districts. The Simla Agreement after the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War transformed the ceasefire line into the Line of Control, aiming to prevent armed conflict. In 1999, Pakistani infiltration sparked the Kargil War, spanning 160 km of high ridges overseeing the Srinagar-Leh road. Following intense fighting and diplomatic efforts, Pakistani forces withdrew upon Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to the USA, adhering to the Line of Control.


In the 2011 census, Kargil town counted 16,338 residents, primarily composed of Scheduled Tribes, numbering 11,496. The literacy rate stood at 75%. Islam emerged as the dominant religion, embraced by 77.56% of Kargil’s populace. Hinduism followed with 19.21%, while Buddhism and Sikhism constituted 0.54% and 2.2% respectively. This religious diversity underscores the town’s rich cultural tapestry, showcasing a blend of Islamic and Hindu traditions alongside smaller yet significant Buddhist and Sikh communities within its vibrant social fabric.


Kargil rests at an altitude averaging 2,676 meters (8,780 feet), nestled by the Suru River (part of the Indus), about 205 kilometers (127 miles) from Srinagar. Positioned across the LOC, facing the Northern Areas, this town boasts a typical Himalayan climate. Summers bring heat during the day, followed by pleasantly cool nights. In contrast, winters endure a lengthy spell of frigidity, with temperatures frequently plummeting below −20 °C (−4 °F). The terrain’s beauty intertwines with the challenging weather, defining Kargil’s allure. Its high elevation not only offers breathtaking vistas but also blankets the region in a wintry embrace for extended periods.


Kargil is administratively segmented into 12 Niabats and four Sub-Divisions: Kargil, Zanskar, Sankoo, and Shakar-Chiktan, along with seven Tehsils. The Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, formed in 2003, reshaped its structure with 26 elected and 4 nominated Councilors. The Chairman, akin to a Cabinet Minister, oversees the Council’s functions, including passing plans and budgets, and sanctioning projects up to Rs 5 Crores. Additionally, four Executive Councilors hold Deputy Minister rank. The Deputy Commissioner of Kargil, serving as the administrative head and CEO of the Hill Council, manages the administrative framework and upholds law and order.


What is kargil famous for ?

Kargil is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, strategic significance, rich cultural heritage, and the 1999 India-Pakistan conflict.

When did kargil war start ?

The Kargil War began in May 1999 and lasted till July 1999, spanning approximately two months.

Is Kargil in Leh or Ladakh?

Kargil is in the Ladakh region, distinct from Leh, within the union territory of Ladakh in northern India.

Which language is spoken in kargil ?

In Kargil, people predominantly speak Ladakhi, followed by Purgi and Balti, owing to its diverse cultural heritage.

Who won the kargil war ?

India emerged victorious in the Kargil War against Pakistan in 1999, reclaiming control of strategic positions.