Sahibganj Pincodes

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Pincodes of Sahibganj

Sahibganj Pincodes on “Pincodes of My Location” is your one-stop destination for all postal code information in Sahibganj, Jharkhand. With an extensive database of Sahibganj pincodes, our website ensures that you can easily find the correct postal code for any area within Sahibganj. Whether you’re sending mail, ordering online, or simply exploring the region, knowing the right pincode is crucial for efficient and hassle-free communication. Stay organized and never worry about postal codes again with “Sahibganj Pincodes” on “Pincodes of My Location,” your reliable source for postal code information in Sahibganj.
Sahibganj Pincodes

Here is a list of Sahibganj Pincodes

About Sahibganj

Sahebganj, also known as Sahibganj, graces the Indian state of Jharkhand with its breathtaking natural beauty. Nestled in the Sahibganj subdivision of the Sahebganj district, this picturesque town is a serene blend of the majestic Ganga River and rugged hills. Sahibganj serves as the administrative hub for the Sahibganj District, Sahibganj subdivision, and Sahibganj community development block. Located in the northeast of Jharkhand, it rests peacefully along the banks of the sacred Ganges River. Notably, the 17th of May commemorates the District’s Foundation Day, marking the formation of Sahibganj district when Rajmahal and Pakur subdivisions were separated from the old Santhal Pargana district.


The historical narrative of Sahibganj town is intricately intertwined with the Rajmahal and Teliagarhi Fort. It’s evident that this region has been inhabited by the Mal Paharia people since ancient times. These early settlers of the Rajmahal hills still inhabit certain areas of the region today and are believed to be the same “Malli” referenced in Megasthenes’ notes. Megasthenes, a Greek Ambassador to Selukus Nikater, documented their presence around the Rajmahal hills in 302 BC. Prior to the visit of Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang in 645 AD, Sahibganj’s history remained shrouded in mystery, awaiting discovery and exploration.


Based on the 2011 Census of India, Sahibganj boasted a population of 882,214 individuals. Among these, 46,449 were males, constituting 53% of the total, while 41,675 were females, accounting for the remaining 47%. Within the age group of 0 to 6 years, there were 12,262 residents. Impressively, Sahibganj demonstrated a commendable literacy rate, with a total of 75,952 literate individuals, representing 79.21% of the population aged 6 years and above. These statistics reflect both the gender balance and educational attainment in Sahibganj, highlighting its dynamic and diverse community.


The Inter-trappean beds of the Rajmahal Formation in this district have earned the prestigious recognition as National Geological Monuments of India by the Geological Survey of India (GSI). This acknowledgment is a testament to their significance in the realms of geology and geotourism. The GSI has declared them as such to ensure their preservation, upkeep, and promotion, aiming to enhance the experience of geotourists and researchers alike. These plant fossil-bearing deposits serve as invaluable windows into Earth’s ancient history, and their protected status underscores their importance in the geological heritage of India, fostering both scientific exploration and tourism interest.


In 2006, Sahibganj was designated as one of India’s 250 most underdeveloped districts out of a total of 640 by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. This recognition highlighted the need for focused development efforts. Currently, Sahibganj is among the 24 districts in Jharkhand that benefit from the Backward Regions Grant Fund Programme (BRGF). This initiative provides vital financial support aimed at promoting socio-economic progress in disadvantaged regions. Through BRGF, Sahibganj is actively working towards addressing developmental challenges and improving the quality of life for its residents, marking a significant step towards a brighter future for the district.


Why is Sahibganj famous?

Sahibganj is famous for its historical significance, notably as a prominent trading center during the British colonial period and its scenic beauty along the banks of the Ganges River in Jharkhand, India.

Which river is Sahibganj on?

Sahibganj is situated on the banks of the Ganges River, also known as the Ganga River, in the state of Jharkhand, India, making it a significant riverside town.

What language is spoken in Sahibganj district?

The primary language spoken in Sahibganj district is Hindi. Additionally, languages like Santali, Bengali, and Urdu are also spoken due to the diverse cultural and linguistic communities in the region.